I got an American Express credit card a few years ago and I’ve been interested in the ways it has pulled at my psychology. There is an explicit cost to the card, which is several hundred dollars per year. But more fascinating and concerning is the implicit cost of spending more than I would have […]
What We Talk About When We Talk About Dating

Several months ago, I heard about the West Elm Caleb saga, and read that women on TikTok alleged that he was love bombing them while seeing many other women. I found this disturbing, because I had never heard the term “love bombing” and it’s important to me that I remain culturally aware for as long […]
My Email Open Rate Data and 4 Things I learned about Copywriting

I am sharing data on my email open rates because 1) I always appreciate seeing data from other blogs and websites; the desire to benchmark oneself is hard to suppress and 2) if you are reading this, there is a decent chance you contributed to the data! I have been reading a book about copywriting, […]
The Behavioral Advantages behind TurboTax

A perfect storm of behavioral factors gives TurboTax enormous pricing power. Each year as I do my taxes I am surprised at how eager I am to pay TurboTax anywhere from $59 to $199 to help me file my taxes. A combination of the U.S. tax process in general and TurboTax’s design in particular makes […]
The Data Behind my Habit Formation

Edit: If you are spending more time at home due to the pandemic, it is a good time to build new habits. You can control your environment and the triggers that help establish habits much easier now than you can when your routine is more varied. I believe that getting good at habit formation is […]
Why Won’t I Buy a Beer on an Airplane?

I was thinking about buying a beer on a flight the other day. While I was pondering buying it or sticking to ginger ale, I noticed that I felt guilty about spending the money. It felt like a superfluous expense. I started to wonder why that was, especially when I often will have a drink […]
Cognitive Biases in Apartment Hunting

I’m looking for an apartment and while it has been fun, it’s frustrating how irrational it makes me feel. Some of the irrationality has come from tactics used by the realtors; some of it has come purely from my brain. Here are some of the tactics I’ve noticed realtors using. Reciprocity effect: At each complex I’ve […]